Archive for February, 2013

Mind, Natural state

what is natural state of mind ?

are we all doing something fundamentally wrong when dealing with mind ?

and can we question the existence of mind itself ?

do thinking need knowledge of some form of language ?

and is the ultimate goal of becoming knowledgable is to let go all the knowledge ?


is the only origin of confrontation are in our thoughts ?

is confronting our own ideas and arguments make them strong or weakens them ?

and confrontation only arise if we are desirous ?

Silence and Noise

is there any relation between silent mind and noisy mind ?

are they states of the same power which makes or breaks the chain of thought ?

and is to possible to have silence without noise ?

do others have any power make our mind silent or noisy ?

is non reaction a way to silence ?

is total acceptance a way to silence ?

and why to search for way to silence ?

start to end

what takes a person from starting something and bringing it to end ?

or we have the power only to start things ?

and not the power to end ?


can we say say theat we know something on our own ?

isnt all the knowledge borrowed ?

where does the question of ownership arises if nothing is my own ?

we consider learning and knowing as signs of growth, are they really for growth ?

and what is it that is growing by acquiring knowledge ?

and why is the focus on acquiring ?


what is the origin of dependence ?

is it because of the society in which a kid grows?

is the need of physical and mental safty and the survival instinct ?

and is the dependence mutual ?

Activity, Non-Activity

what is in us that make us active ?

and what is in us that make us Non-Active ?

is it some external influence ?

or is it something internal, which we are not aware of, but get effected by ?